
You can download the zip installation folder from the link on the left side.


Facilefish requires a web server to run and can be installed cross platform on Windows, Mac or Linux. The development of Facilefish 3.10 was done on XAMPP for WINDOWS version 7.4.27. This particular XAMPP package includes:


  • PHP 7.4.27
  • Apache 2.4.52
  • MariaDB 10.4.22

You can download MAC or Linux version of XAMPP as well. If you are installing the web server on windows, then you could consider the WAMP server. Just make sure that you choose comparable settings. If you know what you are doing, you could install your server from scratch or choose a Joomla CMS hosting service that has everything pre-configured for you. Facilefish 3.10 will give errors on PHP 8.x server. 


To install, unzip the folder in the root folder of your server. Do not change the name 'facilefish' of this folder. Navigate to http://yourwebaddress/facilefish and follow the instructions of the installer. For detailed instructions visit the AkeebaBackup website. Briefly, on page two you will need to specify user name and password to connect to the database and on page three you can specify the path to the tmp and log files, and the super.user password.


Alternatively, you can download the .jpa archive, upload it together with the kickstart.php file (download from the left, unzip first and upload only the .php file) to the root of your web directory and navigate to http://yourwebaddress/kickstart.php Follow the instructions.


After installation navigate to the frontend of Facilefish here:




and to the backend here:




Use the super.user name and password to log in to the backend or the frontend. One default user with name user1 and password user1 can access the frontend. 


For more information how to use Facilefish navigate to DOWNLOADS or CONTACT US.


Facilefish is not secured for production! It is your responsibility to secure it. Get information how to secure a JOOMLA website. Ideally, run Facilefish behind a firewall on an Intranet.